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An internship in the office of Senator Susan M. Collins provides successful candidates with the experience of working in the United States Congress and an overview of how a Senate office and staff work for the Senator and for the constituents. Interns are assigned to work with the Senate office staff who are responsible for the legislative, administrative, and communications operations of the office.

Internships are available on a fall/winter, spring, and summer basis.  Positions are offered in Washington, D.C. and all six state-based constituent service centers. 

To apply for an internship with the Washington, D.C. office or one of our Maine constituent service centers, please fill out the online application and be prepared to submit a cover letter, one page resume, writing sample, and at least one letter of recommendation.

See Senator Collins’ website for up to date information about session start and end dates and application deadlines.

In order for applications to be considered, applicants must submit complete questionnaires and all three checklist documents. If you submitted your application, please allow 24 hours for the system to mark it as complete on your end. 

For quickest turnaround, please email all questions to