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The Senate Page Program is an excellent opportunity for students to receive firsthand experience with the Legislative branch of our government. It is a challenging, yet rewarding opportunity for mature, hard-working students. Pages will work until the Senate adjourns daily, so candidates need to be self-motivated with excellent academic records. Cell phone use and email accessibility is limited.  According to the Senate Page School, their requirements are below:


  • Senate Pages must be sponsored by a Senator

  • Pages must be citizens of the United States or subject to agreements of the Department of State, and must have a social security number

  • Page eligibility is limited to juniors in high school who will be 16 or 17 years old on or before the date of appointment.

  • Summer Page eligibility is limited to students who have completed the sophomore year and who will be 16 or 17 years old on or before the date of appointment

  • Pages must verify a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a home school transcript.

  • A general health assessment completed by a licensed physician is required, in addition to a certification of immunization

  • Pages are required to be covered by health insurance; if not covered, they will be required to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program


Please email with any questions or concerns. 


Please check for up to date information about page session dates and application deadlines.