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Welcome to Senator Gillibrand’s Press Internship application.

Senator Gillibrand’s Senate press internship program provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn and serve through first-hand participation in government service. The program is intended to provide participants with tools, skills, and experience that they can readily apply to future challenges and professional pursuits. We expect a great deal from our interns. Candidates will have a diverse, challenging experience and make a genuine contribution to Senator Gillibrand’s work on behalf of New York and the nation.

We welcome all applicants who have demonstrated academic excellence and have displayed a commitment to public service. While preference is given to New York residents, students from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

This program is designed to enhance a course of study for an undergraduate student. While we may consider an application from students pursuing higher degrees (Law, Masters, etc.) it is important to keep in mind that the level of work is appropriate for those recently graduated or currently pursuing their undergraduate degree.