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Thank you for submitting an appropriations request to the Offices of Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Ed Markey. Beginning in FY2025, Senators Warren and Markey are using a joint application for all congressionally directed spending requests (programmatic requests should still be submitted to each individual office. 

To begin the application, please create an account and verify your email address. Once verified, you will be taken to the application instructions, which will guide you through providing the required information. 

Completed applications are due on April 5, 2024 at 6:00pm ET. You may complete sections of the application incrementally and return to the application at a later time. However, you must complete the entire questionnaire and submit all checklist items in advance of the deadline for your application to be considered complete. Due to strict deadlines set by the Appropriations Committee, late applications and changes to submitted applications cannot be accommodated. 

If you have questions during this process or require any accommodations, please contact AND Inquiries should come from one of the listed points of contact in the organization's application and use the following subject line format to ensure a timely response: [FY25 CDS Request] Organization Name, Project Name.