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Welcome to Senator Van Hollen's online form for Maryland constituents, organizations, institutions, and companies to submit requests for Congressionally-directed spending items. Please begin by creating an account, which will allow you to generate and submit requests.

Please carefully review the guidance for submitting requests here

Note - this is the FY23 Guidance. Updated FY24 Guidance will be posted once it is available. 

*NOTE for INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS: This year, you can submit requests for highway projects that are not currently on the STIP or TIP, but for which MDOT has provided a letter confirming that: (1) the project is eligible for Federal-aid highway funding under title 23, United States Code; (2) MDOT is willing to carry out the project if funding is enacted; and (3) MDOT will include the project on the STIP or TIP once funding for the project is enacted.  This letter from MDOT should be attached with your support letters.